In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce of Spain, we inform you that this website is the property of IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles , SL ., with address at Avda. Donostiarra nº 20 CP: 28027 – Madrid and CIF nº : B-87893350, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid with the following registry data:
Volume: 36.291 Folio: 11 Section: 8 Sheet: M – 652041 Inscription: 1.
For any questions, you can contact us by e-mail: , at the Office Tel. + 34 91 192 31 51 or Mobile Tel.: +34 608 666 329.
The website is governed by the regulations exclusively applicable in Spain, being subject to it, both nationals and foreigners who use this website.
Confidentiality, professional secrecy and security are fundamental values of IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL, which assumes the commitment to guarantee the privacy of the user or visitor at all times, and in all interactions with him. IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL also assumes the commitment not to collect unnecessary information about the user.
Personal data protection
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of development of the LOPD, we inform you that the aforementioned sending of personal data constitutes express consent to the treatment of personal data. same, although of a revocable nature and without retroactive effects.
Likewise, we inform you that all our files are legally registered in the General Registry of Personal Data of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, as well as that to safeguard the security of your personal data, the technical and organizational security measures required in the Royal Decree 1720/2007 that regulates the regulation of security measures for files containing personal data.
Use of your personal data
The data we request is adequate, pertinent and strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is collected, and you are under no obligation to provide it to us. Likewise, it certifies that all the information you provide us with is true, truthful and relevant for the purpose for which we request it.
The website collects your personal data by receiving various forms where you can request any type of information, clarification or doubt. Sending them implies your authorization to incorporate them into our corresponding files, if IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL deems it convenient, and these will be regulated by these privacy policies. Your data will be incorporated into our data processing files.
Rights of access, rectification, cancellation of your personal data
At any time you can oppose our commercial shipments, as well as exercise your rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the legally established terms, being able to do so at the address and with the data indicated at the beginning of this Legal Notice, providing us with a copy of your ID .
data communications
IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL informs you that your data is treated confidentially and is used exclusively internally and for the purposes indicated. Therefore, we do not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, except in the cases provided by law, or that the user expressly authorizes us to do so.
Security of your personal data
In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we inform you that IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data provided against its alteration, loss, and unauthorized treatment or access, as required by Royal Decree 1720/2007 that regulates the regulation of measures security of files containing personal data.
Updating your data
It is important that so that we can keep your personal data updated, you inform us whenever there has been any change in them. Otherwise, we are not responsible for their veracity . We consider that if you do not expressly cancel your personal data from our files, you are still interested in continuing to be included in them until IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL deems it appropriate and as long as it is appropriate for the purpose for which they were obtained.
IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL , is not responsible for the privacy policy regarding personal data that may be provided to third parties through the links available on the web.
IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL can alter this privacy policy to adapt it to changes that occur on the web, as well as legislative changes on personal data that appear and affect said policy. Therefore, it requires reading it, each time you provide us with your data through the web.
IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL . It informs that the personal data collected through the web forms are included in the company’s specific automated files.
The collection and automated processing of Personal Data is intended to maintain the relationship established with IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury . Vehícles SL . and for the performance of information, sales and marketing tasks of the company IberiaCar Gran Turismo Luxury Vehícles SL .
It adopts the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the same in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/99 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data.
Applicable legislation
According to the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users 1/2007, title II of chapter IV specifies the termination of the contract due to imputable causes or by decision of the end user according to articles 159 and 160.
According to Article 159. Termination of the contract for reasons attributable to the organizer or cancellation of the trip.
1. In the event that the consumer and user chooses to terminate the contract, under the provisions of section 2 of the previous article, or that the organizer cancels the combined trip before the agreed departure date, for any reason that is not attributable to the consumer and user, the latter will have the right, from the moment the contract is terminated, to reimbursement of all amounts paid, in accordance with it, or to carry out another combined trip of equivalent quality or higher whenever the organizer or retailer can propose it.
In the event that the trip offered is of inferior quality, the organizer or the retailer must reimburse the consumer and user, when appropriate based on the amounts already paid, the difference in price, in accordance with the contract.
In any case, the consumer and user may demand the reimbursement of the amounts disbursed from the employer to whom they were paid, who must reimburse them within the terms and conditions provided in article 76. The calculation of the term, in this case, will begin from the notification of the consumer and user of their option for the resolution or since the determining circumstances of the cancellation occurred.
2. The same right provided in the previous number will correspond to the consumer and user who did not obtain confirmation of the reservation in the terms stipulated in the contract.
3. In the above cases, the organizer and the retailer will be responsible for paying the consumer and user the compensation that, if applicable, corresponds for breach of contract, which in no case may be less than 5 percent of the total price of the contracted trip, if the aforementioned breach occurs between two months and fifteen days immediately prior to the scheduled date of the trip; 10 percent if it occurs between fifteen and three days before, and 25 percent in the event that the aforementioned breach occurs in the previous 48 hours.
4. There will be no obligation to indemnify in the following cases:
a) When the cancellation is due to the fact that the number of people registered for the combined trip is less than the required number and this is communicated in writing to the consumer and user before the deadline set for this purpose in the contract, which will be at least At least 10 days in advance of the scheduled start date of the trip.
b) When the cancellation of the trip, except in cases of excess reservations, is due to reasons of force majeure, understanding as such those circumstances beyond the control of the person invoking them, abnormal and unforeseeable whose consequences could not have been avoided, despite having acted with due diligence.
According to Article 160. Resolution of the contract by the consumer and user.
At any time, the consumer and user may cancel the requested or contracted services, having the right to a refund of the amounts they have paid, but they must indemnify the organizer or retailer in the amounts indicated below, unless such resolution has place due to force majeure:
a) Will pay the management expenses, the cancellation expenses, if any, and a penalty consisting of 5 percent of the total amount of the trip, if the cancellation occurs more than ten and less than fifteen days before the date from the beginning of the trip; 15 percent between days three and ten, and 25 percent within forty-eight hours prior to departure.
If you do not show up at the exit, the consumer and user is obliged to pay the total amount of the trip, paying, where appropriate, the outstanding amounts unless otherwise agreed between the parties.
b) In the event that the combined trip is subject to special contracting economic conditions, such as chartering of planes, ships or special rates, the cancellation expenses will be established in accordance with the conditions agreed between the parties.